Land and Title "Searches, Services, Solutions & Support" for Individuals and Industry ~ Online Search Specialists |
Land and Title "Searches, Services, Solutions & Support" for Individuals and Industry ~ Online Search Specialists |
BC Title Registries
BC LAND TITLE REGISTRY - BC's official legal record of private property ownership - a reliable public register of land title ownership and registered charges/interests and the province's land surveying system authority. "Assured title upon registration in a public registry" BC ASSESSMENT REGISTRY provides property assessment values for property owners. This information is primarily used in the calculation of property tax payable to the provincial government or relevant municipality in BC and can be used to assist in property marketing or acquisition determinations. BC CORPORATE REGISTRY provides the legal framework for the administration and status of provincially registered Corporations, Societies, Firms, Co-ops , extra-provincially registered companies and other business entities BC MANUFACTURED HOME REGISTRY is a registry of any structures, whether ordinarily wheeled or not - that are designed, constructed or manufactured to provide residential accommodation and to be moved from one place to another by being towed or carried. BC PERSONAL PROPERTY REGISTRY is a database of records which show charges such as liens, security interests, and encumbrances filed against personal property BC ENVIRONMENTAL REGISTRY is a registry of sites that have entered the Ministry of Environment's site assessment and remediation process respecting environmental issues of VARIOUS TYPES including contaminated sites |