Land & Title Services, Searches, Solutions and Support |
Phone No: 250-655-3699 Fax No: 250-655-1422 Mailing Address: 1825 Lands End Road North Saanich BC V8L 5J2 _______________________________________ For ONLINE SEARCH ORDERING and charges - see "TITLE SEARCHES" or "CROWN SEARCHES" For OTHER SEARCH REQUESTS & INQUIRIES or for RESEARCH & CONSULTING - see "RESEARCH" OIL & GAS INQUIRIES Email or phone us for all Oil & Gas inquiries or rates (Name and Company required) ADVISE of any PROBLEMS OR DIFFICULTIES encountered in navigating our website or that of PayPal SUGGEST any CLARIFICATIONS OR SIMPLIFICATIONS respecting search selections, information or examples FORWARD any REQUESTS for additional searches that you might require or would be better suited to your needs LIST any OTHER information, material or services that would be beneficial to you that we might make available online |