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BC Land Grants
PAYMENT - Payment and Card assurred SECURITY via PayPal - account is NOT req'd REPORTS - are sent back to the BUYER"S EMAIL ADDRESS from which payment was sent0 (response times vary due to scope, diversity & investigative nature of Grant searches) ~~~ LAND GRANT DOCUMENT SEARCHES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
LAND GRANT DOCUMENTS - Provides a COPY of the E&N Land Grant Document or the Crown Land Grant Document Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway (E&N) Granted Lands - are located only on Vancouver Island (usually an alpha-numerical format such as N12345 or 12345N) Crown Granted Lands - are province-wide (including Vancouver Island) - the CROWN GRANT No. is the number assigned to Grants by the originating Gov't department - (numbering varies) If the LTO Reg no. or Crown Grant number is not known go to the "Land Grant Locator Searches" section below . ~~~ LAND GRANT LOCATOR SEARCHES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Provides the Land Titles Reg. NUMBER or the Crown Grant NUMBER of the original Land Grant Notes: In all instances a copy of Title SHOULD be sent to us under separate EMAIL -see "CONTACT INFO" for Email address REFUNDS - are subject to resarcher discretion due to investigative nature, . | Return Home | Corporate Info | Admin Services | BC Title Registries | BC Land TITLE SEARCHES | BC Crown SEARCHES | BC Title Research | Search Policies | Contact Info | BC Land Grants | |